Pastor McDunnel

Pastor McDunnel is a compassionate and loving leader who uncompromisingly speaks the truth in love. He believes that church should be reverent, yet exciting. He believes that the church family should be just that, a family. Pastor McDunnel has a tremendous burden for the youth of our country. He believes the answer is not to bring God down to man’s level, but to exhalt Jesus that people may see Him high and holy and lifted up. His preaching is strong, but it is wrapped in love.

His convictions are high, but his compassion runs deep. He takes an uncompromising stand on music and the old King James Bible, and God is blessing because of it. The church is seeing God move in a great way as the people are making decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ, and the sparks of revival are getting folks stirred up! Pastor McDunnel serves with his wife, Diane, and their two children, Ava, Chelsey, and Paul. Pastor McDunnel invites you to come and experience “The Good Old Days” with us.